Ambassador/ Membership Committee

Chair: Chrissy Janusaitis

Committee Members: Carl Gallegos, John Peterson, Ran Taylor Dwight Stowers, Alan Whipps, Jan Zurek, and Robert Head.

This committee helps promote the Chamber as well as identifies/recruits’ new members and helps maintain retention through enhanced programs and services. Committee meets the second Monday at 8:00am at various restaurants, time subject to change.

Awards Celebration Committee

Chair: Danielle Roytan

Committee Members: Lisa Franko, Jamie Lewis, Melinda Metz, Carol Podolak, Erin Robles, Cyndi Morgan, Robin Bender, Shannon Buck, Mary Harkins, and Jerry Czarnecki

This committee reviews all nominations presented by Chamber members for several community awards that are presented at the Community Awards and Recognition Banquet. This committee also organizes the November Community Awards and Recognition Banquet including securing sponsorships and raffle items. This committee meets about 4-5 times between August and November at the Chamber office.

Budget/Finance Committee

Chair: Mike Sarver

Committee Members: Kevin Kosek, Alan Whipps, Greg Lach, and Jerry Czarnecki

This committee analyzes and recommends ideas/policies concerning the financial affairs of the Organization. The committee meets monthly one Wednesday a month at 8:00am in the Chamber office.

Magazine Committee

Chair: Melinda Metz

Committee Members: Nancy Simpson, Greg Lach, Erin Robles, Bob Franko, Joe Araiza, and Jerry Czarnecki.

This committee develops a magazine which is distributed quarterly. It will be delivered to 17,000 households. This committee will decide on the theme and content of the magazine and will meet monthly.

PCBN Committee (Portage Community and Business Night)

Chair: John Peterson

Committee Members: Melinda Metz, Carol Podolak, Devra Leonard, Erin Robles, Cyndi Morgan, Greg Lach, Nancy Simpson, Chloe Morris, Jake Monhaut, Denise Koebcke, Lisa Swayne, Alan Whipps, Sue Coryell, and Jerry Czarnecki.

This committee will meet from February till the event which is the 3rd weekend in April. This is a vendor show open to the public. The committee will come up with a theme and facilitate the event.

Golf Committee

Chair: Brooke Leonard

Committee Members: Melinda Metz, Carol Podolak, Cyndi Morgan, Dwight Stowers, Ashley Banic, Erin Robles, Mike Sarver, Nancy Simpson, Alan Whipps, Penny Schlyer, and Jerry Czarnecki.

The committee organizes this annual one-day golf outing featuring one flight, continental breakfast, sack lunch, dinner buffet, awards, sponsorships and contests.

Committee meets 4-5 times from February thru June.

Progressive Dinner Committee

Chair: Brent Wright

Committee Members: Carol Podolak, Melinda Metz, Erin Robles, Nancy Simpson, Robin Bender, Jean Lahm, Taylor Jones, and Jerry Czarnecki.

Once a date is decided on for this event, which travels to different locations for food, beverages and networking, the committee will plan the theme and the logistics of the event. The committee will meet for 3 months before the event.

Social Outreach Committee

Chair: Jerry Czarnecki

Committee Members: Carl Gallegos, Melissa Deavers, and John Wirth

This committee will work with Portage Chamber members to plan ribbon cuttings, Mid-week Mingles, and Perk-Up Portage speakers. This committee will help ensure that our membership is engaged with our key networking events each month.

Chamber Network Night (CNN) Committee

Committee Members: Erin Robles, Rachel Campbell (Duneland), Stephanie Edwards (Valpo), and Jerry Czarnecki.

This committee will help plan the vendor show put on by the Valparaiso, Duneland and Portage Chamber of Commerce at the Porter County Expo Center. The committee will help facilitate them and logistics of the event held in October. The committee will begin to meet 3 to 4 months before the event.



Personnel Committee

Co-Chairs: Kevin Kosek and Greg Lach.

The personnel committee handles any human resource issues that may arise.


Marketing and Communications Committee

Chair: Cyndi Morgan

Committee Members: Melinda Metz, Greg Lach, Nancy Simpson, Erin Robles, Kevin Kosek, Danielle Roytan, Melissa Deavers, and Jerry Czarnecki.

This committee works to raise needed revenue for continued operations and to raise donations for a particular cause. The marketing committee develops strategies on how to communicate messages to potential members and to generate interest in the benefits of becoming a Chamber Member.

This committee meets ongoing as needed.


Public Policy

Chair: Kevin Kosek

Committee Members: Greg Lach, David Ondrovich, Denise Little, Shannon Burhans, Brent Wright, Melinda Metz, Phil Goodrich, Jerry Czarnecki, Mike Stanton, and Robin Bender.

Advocating for our Chamber members on governmental policies that may not support our business community. This committee meets monthly to discuss Portage business issues.



Chair: Greg Lach

Committee Members: Kevin Kosek and Jerry Czarnecki.

This committee helps with providing legal oversight for the organization


Scholarship Committee

Chair: Devra Leonard

Committee Members: Greg Lach, Lisa Franko, Erin Robles, Nancy Simpson, Dwight Stowers, Jessica Trunk, Shannon Buck, Alan Whipps, Sue Coryell, and Rosemary Weeks.

This committee created scholarship criteria to offer 3, $1,000 scholarships for incoming college freshmen. This committee will meet to review and select applicant winners. If available, committee members should be present at the scholarship ceremony hosted at Portage High School at the beginning of May.


Search Committee

Chair: Kevin Kosek

Committee Members: Executive Directors and Board Members

Should there be an employment vacancy at the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce. The Search Committee will provide guidance and decisions for filling the position.